Contract Logix Helps the YMCA of Metro Chicago Maximize Resources Efficiently and Connect More Communities


As a Nonprofit, They Needed to Find the Right Contract Management Software   

The YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago, one of the city’s largest social enterprises, sought a CLM partner to enhance resource efficiency and drive digital transformation. Their goal was to centralize their contracts, mitigate risk, and streamline processes. They needed a solution that provided secure storage, efficient management, and comprehensive visibility to ensure auditing and compliance readiness while focusing on their core community mission. 


Business Contract Challenges for Nonprofit Businesses   

The YMCA needed a robust CLM platform to streamline contracting activities, ensure compliance, and automate processes while ensuring proper routing of contract requests, reviews, approvals, and signatures with appropriate access permissions. They sought a tool to digitize processes, manage data securely, and streamline contract versioning, business continuity, and reporting capabilities.  

Solution with Contract Logix

How to Streamline Contract, Grant, and Reporting Processes with Contract Logix   

The YMCA of Metro Chicago selected the Contract Logix platform for its data-driven approach, offering instant visibility into contract data and out-of-the-box templates. The platform’s robust security options and cloud-based repository, along with real-time reporting and analytics, provide standardized, centralized contract management with enhanced visibility to support digital contract transformation. 


Digital contract transformation and process automation through Contract Logix resulted in a substantial reduction in time and resources spent managing contracts for the YMCA. Reporting features enable the legal team to visually track contracts at each stage, while the Grants department’s in-platform E-Signature integration resulted in a tremendous increase in electronically signed contracts. Automated workflows expedite contract execution, enabling legal resources to focus on the organization’s core mission. 

Download the full case study to learn more about YMCA’s digital transformation of their contract management.  

Download the Full Case Study