Contract Reviews & Approvals Process - Contract Logix

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Contract Final Reviews & Approvals Process

Contract Final Reviews & Approvals Process

As you engage your internal and external stakeholders in the process, it’s critical you get the right eyes on the contract – especially considering your legal contracts may contain your greatest hidden risk. During final contract review and approvals, Contract Logix makes the contract information visible and takes out the guesswork for your reviewers and approvers. The best part is that they all can perform these actions from the same, centralized place, anywhere, anytime.

During final reviews and approvals, make sure every role or department has effectively signed off on the contract. Guide users using rules-based workflows so these steps such as multiple levels of approvals are automatic. Further, incorporate business rules or conditions to guarantee the right people approve the document at varying or dynamic thresholds. Once approvals are complete, automatically route the document for signatures and move on to the next step(s) in your process.

Contract Logix ensures the right people review and approve contracts.

Simplify final review and approval from one central solution with proactive email alerts and notifications of action(s) required for each person

Use a set of standardized tools to enable your reviews or approvers to identify and mitigate contractual risk

Require the correct approvals based on your organizations structure for a more dynamic solution and process. Don't rely on manual assignments which can be subjective

Electronically record your reviews and approval sign-offs using report-ready tools

Define approval levels based on rules and conditions to ensure all requirements are reviewed and approved before signatures

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Contract Final Review and Approval Process

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Data-Driven Contract Reviews & Approvals

Data Driven Contract Approvals

Automatically adhere to all review and approval requirements by leverage rules and thresholds for approvals

Integrated workflow guides your users so they don't have to know your process - making steps repeatable and scalable, while improving the processing time insights you can glean from the system

As review and approval routing occurs, automatically insert or remove required process steps based on real-time, ever-changing contract data

Analyze your process requirements for review and approvals and quickly report on the processing metrics or steps for improved knowledge

Dynamically route documents between negotiation and approval processes for the most inclusive and dynamic workflow

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